Monday, 27 August 2012

The Google Mind Games

Yes its true and you can see why!

Google uses trends and reactions to see if you are a spammer or a good webmaster. Don't fall into the trap of jumping at every Google movement, just make sure your site is spot on and leave Google to do its thing.

Make sure your onsite work is 100% and make sure your link profile is healthy. If those two are OK then you don't need to worry, just keep doing what your doing. Let Google mix it up a little and give you some strange results, don't react and start changing everything as it will cause you more issues.

Google needs to strip out the rubbish this is just one way it tries to do it. Unfortunately every time they do it some innocent sites get caught in the mix. Unfortunate.

Want more information on Google and what signals you can get to see if its just testing you or if you have an actual issue? Give me a shout 01312081313.


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